Hill-Physick House Spring Plant Sale - PREORDER
Preorder from our wide selection of Thrillers, Spillers, and Fillers for your
pots, window boxes, and gardens!
*Preorders will be open until Monday, April 14th*
This year, we are requesting that any presale purchases over $100 be made by filling out and returning a paper preorder form along with a check to help us minimize credit card fees.
Please click the button below to download a paper preorder form
Pick up your pre-orders on: Friday, May 2nd (10am - 5pm)
& Saturday, May 3rd (10am - 4pm)
321 S. 4th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106
(in the garden off Cypress St.)
Or, come to the Hill-Physick House Spring Plant Sale Kick Off Party
Thursday, May 1st | 5:00-7:00 P.M.
Hill-Physick House
321 S. 4th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Should you have any questions, please contact our Administrator, Lauren Wegrocki-Smith (office@philalandmarks.org; Ph: 215-925-2251 x204)